Who else will give a hard pass to Keith Urbans new song Female?

51st CMA Awards Arrivals

My first encounter with Keith Urban’s new song, “Female,” was through some hilarious tweets. Apparently, Urban has been reading about the Harvey Weinstein saga and he decided to write a song especially for women and how strong and powerful we are. This was one tweet going around:

The lyrics of Keith Urban's new song "Female," which he wrote because of Harvey Weinstein, are really something elsehttps://t.co/7BwItDE5ot pic.twitter.com/nvWQBCjkk2

— Max Tani (@maxwelltani) November 8, 2017

Yeah. Women to Keith Urban: thanks for trying, but we’ll pass. Here’s the actual song:

I could literally only get about 20 seconds into it before the slow-country-jazziness of it all made me want to vom. Don’t get me wrong: we absolutely need male allies. We need men to stand beside us. I’m not saying Keith Urban is a terrible person or a misogynist or anything. I’m just saying that for this song in particular, it’s a giant NOPE. I also dislike that the song is called “Female” because go here to read why men referring to women as “females” is problematic. Urban spoke to Billboard about the rationale behind the song:

“As a husband and a father of two young girls, it affects me in a lot of ways. And as a son — my mother is alive. It just speaks to all of the females in my life, particularly. For a guy who grew up with no sisters in a house of boys, it’s incredible how now I’m surrounded by girls. But not only in my house; I employ a huge amount of women in my team. The song just hit me for so many reasons.”

[From Billboard]

STOP CALLING US FEMALES. STOP MENTIONING YOUR DAUGHTERS OR YOUR MOTHER. JUST STOP. You can relate to us as fellow human beings, for the love of God.
Granted, Keith mentions women in his life who are not related to him by blood or marriage, so at least there’s that. He’s not just solely interested in the subject of male douchebaggery because it might affect someone in his family. Anyway, I’m giving all of this a hard pass.

51st CMA Awards Arrivals

Photos courtesy of WENN.
