Is Aaron Wiggins related to Andrew Wiggins? All you need to know

Aaron Wiggins is a 23-year-old guard who currently plays for the Oklahoma City Thunder. Wiggins was drafted at the very end of the 2021 NBA draft, as the Thunder selected him with the 55th overall pick.

While he is far from being a superstar, the 6-foot-6 guard has had some decent performances so far in his career. On November 11, the Thunder's role player scored 17 points to beat the heavily-favored Toronto Raptors.

Thanks to this performance, Aaron Wiggins got a lot of new fans and a lot more media attention. However, many fans have begun wondering if he is related to Andrew Wiggins, the Golden State Warriors star.

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Exploring if Aaron Wiggings is Andrew Wiggins' brother

Andrew Wiggins won his first NBA championship ring with the Warriors just a few months ago. He is having another great season with the team, despite the horrible record the Warriors have at the moment.

Aaron Wiggins, on the other hand, plays for the team that had the second-worst record in the Western Conference last season. However, the Thunder have played decent basketball so far and are 7-8.

Many NBA fans wonder if Aaron and Andrew Wiggins are brothers (Image via Getty Images)

To the disappointment of many NBA fans, Aaron and Andrew Wiggins are not brothers. In fact, they are not even related to each other. Andrew is four years older than the Thunder guard and is from Canada.

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Aaron, on the other hand, was born and raised in the US. They don't have any other similarities other than their last name.

Aaron has a long way to go before becoming a star player (Image via Getty Images)

Before entering the league, Andrew Wiggins was one of the most popular prospects. Many believed that he would become even better than LeBron James, which is why he was selected first overall in the 2014 NBA draft.

Aaron Wiggins' career so far

As a teenager, Aaron Wiggins attended the University of Maryland. He was a decent player who averaged 14.5 points, 5.8 rebounds, and 2.5 assists. In April 2021, the young star declared for the 2021 NBA draft.

Wiggins was picked late in the draft and was almost undrafted. Fortunately, the Thunder took their chances with him, which turned out to be the right move.

Before joining the NBA, Wiggins played for the Maryland Terrapins (Image via Getty Images)

In his first professional season, the Oklahoma City Thunder guard averaged 8.3 points and 3.6 rebounds. He had four 20-point games, including a 28-point performance against the Portland Trail Blazers.

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Wiggins is only 24 and could have a breakout year, which is why the Thunder made the right move by picking him.

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