Everything you need to know about Angels superstar Shohei Ohtani

Shohei Ohtani of the Los Angeles Angels is unlike any player that the modern MLB has ever seen. The first player to hit 100 RBIs while simultaneously recording 100 strikeouts on the mound is a phenomenon in every sense of the term.

Along with his obvious skills, Ohtani's loveable demeanor has made him very popular with the fans. Even though he communicates through an interpreter, his charm is palpable.

As of 2023, Ohtani is not married. He prefers to keep a professional persona and rarely allows glimpses of his personal life. However, there have been rumors that the 28-year-old is dating professional softball pitcher Kamalani Dung.

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Dung, 25, is a native of Hawaii. She pitched for the Golden State University Bears. Like Shohei Ohtani, she is a pitcher. Dung is nicknamed the "YouTube" pitcher due to the fact that she attained most of her pitching knowledge from online videos.

Dung is currently pitching in the Athletes Unlimited Softball League and for the Puerto Rico National Team, as her mother is of Puerto Rican descent. In 2018, she won a Gold Medal with Team Puerto Rico in the Central American and Caribbean leagues.

Ohtani made his pro baseball debut for the Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters in Japan's Nippon Pro Baseball league in 2013. After five All-Star appearances and an MVP Award in Japan, he announced his intention to join the MLB in 2016.

Upon hearing the news, many teams were interested, including the San Francisco Giants and New York Yankees. Shohei Ohtani, however, decided to sign with the Los Angeles Angels.

In 2018, his first season, Ohtani hit 22 home runs and 61 RBIs for the Angels. He also made 10 starts and posted an ERA of 3.31. On account of the outstanding rookie campaign, he was awarded the 2018 AL Rookie of the Year Award.

"Shohei Ohtani pitched the fourth 10+ strikeout game of his MLB career!" - @ Los Angeles Angels

Three seasons later, Ohtani brought his ERA down to 3.18 and registered a record of 9-2, striking out 156 batters. Following the 2021 season, Ohtani won his first ever AL MVP Award.

2023 represents challenges and opportunies for Shohei Ohtani and the Los Angeles Angels

A franchise worst 13-game losing streak last June drove a dagger through any hopes that the Los Angeles Angels had of ending their seven-year postseason drought in 2022. Fans are getting restless as the team seems perrenially unable to succeed despite featuring some of the best players in the world. In 2023, Shohei Ohtani will need to step up in a big way.

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