5 best Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.18 Seeds for Temples

Minecraft has many structures for players to explore and get amazing loot from. From the massive End Cities to the humble Temples, these structures do not disappoint players with their loot.

There are two kinds of temples in Minecraft, the Desert Temple found in the Desert Biome, as the name would suggest, and the Jungle Temple found in the Jungle Biome. These structures are a great way to kickstart a new journey with some decent loot. However, both these temples have traps hidden inside and players must be cautious when looting them.

The loot can vary from great riches such as diamonds, gold, iron, enchanted books, and golden apples to grim rotten flesh, gunpowder, and bones.

This article will provide a list of the five best seeds in Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.18 for temples.

Note: This article reflects the writer's opinion.

5 Best seeds for Temples in Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.18

5) 3 Jungle Temples within 1000 blocks

Seed: 1666931276

Jungle Temple hidden in a Jungle Forest (Image via Minecraft)

Jungle temples have less loot compared to their desert counterparts, however, they are more tricky to loot, and have a secret chest hidden within them. Surrounded by tall, lush trees, these structures may be hard to see when traversing through the landscape.

The seed places the player between three jungle temples that they can loot. These temples have varied loot and players can get their hands on something rare such as diamonds or be stuck with bones.

Jungle Temple 1: -439, 70, -297

Jungle Temple 2 : 230, 77, -761

Jungle Temple 3: 1126, 80, 775

4) 3 Desert Temple near Spawn

Seed: -357

Desert Temple near a Jungle Biome (Image via Minecraft)

Each Desert Temple has four chests buried within them that players can loot. They also have TNTs that players can get their hands on early in the game. However, players must tread carefully when going to loot the temple and not accidentally blow themselves up along with the loot.

This seed spawns the player on the border of the Jungle and Desert. Players can collect wood from the Jungle and then go on an adventure to scour and loot these temples. While hunting for Desert temples, players will also come across a village where they can acquire food to last them on this journey.

Desert Temple 1: -134, 64, -149

Village: -317, 69, -332

Desert Temple 2: 56, 74, 218

Desert Temple 3: -230, 64, 251

3) Spawn within a Desert Temple

Seed: 1940172288

Spawning within a Desert Temple in a Village on a Shore with Coral Reefs (Image via Minecraft)

The chance of spawning within a Desert Temple is one-in-a-million. This seed does exactly that. As soon as the players enter the world they find themselves in the middle of a Desert Temple.

To make things better, the temple is situated in a village, giving players the perfect start to their game. Players can get their hands on easy loot, as well as food at the beginning of their game.

2) Plethora of Desert Temples

A map showing numerous Desert Temple within 1000 blocks of spawn (Image via Chunkbase.com)

For players who want to get loaded with resources but do not wish to mine for them, this is the perfect seed. Players spawn on a beautiful desert coast with coral reefs near them. Making their way into the desert, they will come across plenty of Desert Temples, Villages, and Ruined Portals to fill up their inventory with loot.

Within a couple of thousand blocks, they will find almost 20 Desert Temples, along with a few villages and a Ruined Portal. The more they explore the desert, the more Desert Temples they are bound to find.

Here are the coordinates for the closest four Desert Temples and Villages from spawn.

Desert Temple 1: 554, 68, 190

Village: 614, 68, 64

Abandoned Village: 576, 73, 564

Desert Temple 2: 538, 81, 650

Village: 374, 72, 707

Desert Temple 3: 313, 95, -310

Desert Temple 4: 666, 64, -259

1) Desert Temple and Jungle Temple near spawn

Desert Temple view from Spawn (Image via Minecraft)

The first thing players see when they enter this world for the first time is a Desert Temple. Right off the bat, players can get resources from within the Desert Temple. Three other Desert Temples also spawn nearby that players can loot.

Apart from Desert Temple, players can also find a Jungle Temple close to them near spawn. This seed gives players the chance to explore and gather loot from both types of temples present in Minecraft.

Desert Temple 1: 42, 71, 47

Desert Temple 2: 196, 73, -193

Desert Temple 3: 602, 65, -752

Desert Temple 4: 346, 70, -816

Jungle Temple: -314, 73, -143

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